
Care of Veterans Top Concern for Families

Questionable treatment plans and sub-par hospitals are not acceptable for veterans. These men and women deserve proper funding to ensure access to state-of-the-art care.

Veterans deserve the very best that medical care can provide. They deserve to see a physician who can correctly diagnose and treat their conditions. Conditions in VA hospitals are continuing to decline due to poor funding and no public awareness.

A recent case involves Rodger Holmes, who served in the Vietnam War. Holmes had overcome homelessness and alcoholism. He suffered from liver disease brought on by hepatitis C.

Poor care resulted in liver failure. The specialty care provider treating his hepatitis vanished. There was no proper record of Holmes’ condition marked on his chart or records.

Social Worker Led the Charge for Change

Chris Blumenstein was the case worker who worked with Mr. Holmes. Blumenstein championed for Rodger Holmes when he was not receiving proper treatment. Blumenstein documented and submitted complaints to the VA Office of Inspector General. He eventually resigned in protest of the poor treatment that Mr. Holmes received.

Poor Treatment Continued

Mr. Holmes’ medical charts revealed one problem after another. Holmes did not have access to the proper internist during his sickest period. He was treated with medication that further damaged his liver. Important lab test result were not noted on his chart.

Holmes was then subjected to a non-emergency surgery involving general anesthesia. Specialty liver physicians were not consulted prior to the anesthesia. Rodger Holmes died on December 20, 2014 after suffering for months.

VA Office of Inspector General Report

The report found that Rodger Holmes did not receive adequate follow-up care. The report acknowledges that this could have led to his decline. Rodger Holmes was only the next in a long line of veterans who did not receive proper care. All veterans deserve quality medical treatment and they should not suffer like Mr. Holmes did.
